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About Convergence Robotics Inc. (CRI)

United Nations-Accredited:

Convergence Robotics Inc. is honored to be accredited by the United Nations for our steadfast adherence to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our collaboration with the City of Vaughan further propels our endeavor to foster sustainable and community-centric living.


A Force for Positive Change and Core Mission:

At the heart of CRI lies a vision that transcends the conventional boundaries of business. We are driven by a higher purpose - to be a catalyst for positive change in society. Embracing the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals as our compass, we venture beyond mere profit-making, cherishing values of sustainability, conscious capitalism, and communal enrichment. Our automation-centric approach addresses labor shortages, thereby facilitating the provision of sustainable and affordable homes by translating the savings to our valued customers.


Smart Design and Automation: Efficiency and Affordability:

Our innovative design ethos significantly curtails waste, ensuring responsible stewardship of both biological and technical materials. Automation is our strategic response to labor shortages, which augments efficiency and enables the translation of savings to our customers, thus making sustainable living accessible and affordable.


Our City Cabin Initiative and Social Impact:

Our aspirations soar beyond business horizons. For every milestone of 15 City Cabins or larger units sold, we pledge to donate a 288 sqft City Cabin to mitigate homelessness. This initiative embodies our larger mission to alleviate homelessness, aligning impeccably with our resolve to sculpt a more equitable and sustainable future.


Future Investments and Inspirations: Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Choices:

The blueprint of our units is drawn with a keen eye on energy efficiency. Employing energy-saving heat pumps, our constructions are engineered to surpass current energy standards. We extend an invitation to embrace an eco-friendlier lifestyle with optional upgrades for Passive Houses. Our horizon of offerings is expanding to encompass off-grid solutions like solar panel upgrades and fostering local partnerships for geothermal energy solutions. Together, we tread towards a greener, more sustainable tomorrow with every stride in innovation.  

Phone: Toll-free: 1 877-27 ROBOT (1 877-277-6268)

Local: 289-312-ROBO (289-312-7626) 

Address: 1950 Hwy 7, Vaughan, ON L4K 3P2

©2024 by Convergence Robotics Inc.

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